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Pierrick Sorin



Pierrick Sorin is adept at self-filming and also at fictional characters embodied by his own person. We find in his films all the classic ingredients of entertainment: the disguise, the comedy of repetition and the music-hall gag, which makes them all the more familiar and accessible for the spectactor. Nevertheless, irony and derision must also be seen in them, which aim to question the functioning of the human being as well as art and the work of artists. He also collaborates in various fields, such as scenography and visual design of classical works.

He created video installations called optical theaters, which take up the principle of Emile Reynaud's praxinoscope-theatre in which one sees the character come to life inside a fixed set by a play of reflections on a slanted glass plate.

In 2001, the Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain organized his first major retrospective. The Lieu Unique in Nantes organizes in turn in 2010 a retrospective exhibition entitled Retrospective/Prospective.

Since 2006, the artist has directed and designed several shows, operas in particular: La Pietra del Paragone by Rossini, The Magic Flute by Mozart, La Belle Hélène by Offenbach...


Pierrick Sorin, born on July 11, 1960 in Nantes, is a French video artist, stage director and scenographer.

Exhibitions (selection)


- Pierrick on the Moon_Mission II, Galerie W, Paris


- V.I.E. V.ideo I.mage E.volution, Galerie W, Paris


-  Je reviens à 19h, Galerie Pièce Unique, Paris


-  Visual creations for the new show of the Burlesque troupe (composed by Mimi Le Meaux, Miss Dirty Martini, Kitten on the Keys, Julie Atlas Muz and Rocky Roulette) revelead by the movie Tournée.


-  22h13 (ce titre est susceptible d’être modifié d’une minute à l’autre), Centquatre, Paris


-  C'est Mignon tout ça, Galerie Aeroplastics Contemporary, Brussels

-  Rétrospective/Prospective, Lieu Unique, Nantes

-  Tournis-Coulis, Galerie Eva Hober, Paris


-  Pierrick Sorin ou Le laboratoire d'un film idéal illusoire, Centre des Arts, Enghien-les-Bains


-  Centre Arc en Ciel, Liévin/Maison de l’Art et de la Communication, Sallaumines

-  C'était bien du coulis de tomate, commission of the Compagnie Royal de Luxe for the show La Visite du Sultan des Indes sur son éléphant à voyager dans le temps, Nantes


-  Quelques inventions remarquables, Lille 2004 - Capitale européenne de la Culture, Lille

-  Creation of three video's triptychs, Forum Universel des Cultures, Barcelona

-  Creation of 7 video installations, Atelier Renault des Champs-Élysées, Paris


-  Pierrick Sorin. Recalde, 30. 48009 Bilbao, Sala Rekalde, Bilbao


-  Pierrick Sorin. Av. del Marquès de Comilla, 68, Fondation La Caixa, Barcelona


Pierrick Sorin. 261 Bd Raspail Paris XIV, Fondation Cartier pour l'Art Contemporain, Paris

Nantes, projets d'artistes, Public commission for the city of Nantes, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Nantes


-  Minis Sorins, Galerie Jacqueline Rabouan-Moussion, Paris

-  Pierrick Sorin, Centre Culturel Sa Nostra, Palma de Mallorca, Spain


-  Los mirones, Musée Reina Sofia, Madrid

-  Selection of films, videos and installations of the last ten years, Scène Internationale, Théâtre de Cherbourg, Cherbourg

-  L’homme qui a perdu ses clefs, FRAC Basse Normandie, Caen

-  De jolis petits rêves, Maison de la Culture de Loire-Atlantique, Nantes

-  Actor in the film Ligne 208 by Bernard Dumont

-  Participation à Zulu time, Itinerant technological cabaret designed by Robert Lepage

-  Performance for the inauguration of the Lieu Unique, Nantes


-  It's Really Nice, Installation vidéo, XXIVe Biennale of São Paulo, Brazil

Premises: Invested spaces in Visual Arts, Architecture & Design from France, 1958-1998, group show, Centre Georges Pompidou/Guggenheim Museum, New York

-  Main actor of the film Les bruits de la ville by Sophie Comtet


-  Serie of Autofilmages, Musée Picasso, Antibes

-  Le Confort Moderne, Poitiers

-  Centre d’Art Contemporain le Creux de l’Enfer, Thiers


-  Video Installationen, Kunsthaus Zürich, Switzerland

-  Pierrick Sorin, artiste solitaire, stupide et trop agité, The Ginza-Artspace, Shisheido Gallery, Tokyo

-  Art Basel, Galerie Jacqueline Rabouan-Moussion, Basel


-  Pierrick Sorin, films, vidéos et installations, 1988-1995, CAPC/Musée d’Art Contemporain, Bordeaux

-  La vie bien remplie de Pierrick Sorin, Espace Croisé, Roubaix

-  Pierrick Sorin au théâtre, Théâtre de Verdun, Verdun



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